Post Clinic Staff
louise summers
Chief Executive Officer
Louise retired from the Montgomery County School System in 2008 and began her service at the Post Clinic in June, 2011. Responsibilities include grant writing, annual evaluations, public advocate for Post Clinic services, day-to-day office management, scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, assisting the medical staff, working with Board of Directors, ensuring that Post Clinic volunteers are trained as required to meet OSHA and HIPPA standards, and other responsibilities as may be deemed necessary.
olga skinner
TOnya Kendrick
Volunteer Medical Staff
Edward Roberts
Medical Director
Primary care medicine for adults with an emphasis on preventative care and health maintenance. Special interest in gastroenterology with decades of experience doing colonoscopy and upper endoscopy procedures.
danielle king
Internal Medicine
Dr. King focuses on all aspects of preventative health care including colon cancer screening, breast cancer screening and coronary artery disease prevention and women’s health. Keeping my patients healthy and preventing disease gives her the most enjoyment, but she is always up for the challenge of complicated diagnosis and treatment as well.
James Rollins
Orthopedic Medicine
Dr. Rollins specializes in Orthopedic medicine with emphasis in Hip Osteoarthritis, Hip Surgery (Hip Replacement Arthroplasty), Knee Osteoarthritis, Knee Surgery (knee Replacement Arthoroplasty), Osteoarthritis (Hand and Wrist), and sports medicine, with multiple hospital affiliations.
Shelley Sanders
Nurse Practitioner
Interest in Hematology and Oncology with an emphasis on navigating patients through all aspects of their care and providing education to assist them in returning to an optimal level of health.
Volunteer Dental Staff
Ellen Morgan, DMD
Dental Clinic Director
Charles Tingle, DMD